Our dedicated delivery driver arrives at 5pm every day. When time and staffing permits, we will send deliveries earlier via other staff members to get you your products as soon as possible. Any local delivery orders placed after 9pm will be delivered the following evening.
The word “smooth” gets tossed around a lot in tequila. But a lot of people get some sticker shock looking at Reposados, or correctly notice that they aren’t quite the same thing when trying to make a nice classic Margarita. Combier has gone so far as to make a tequila specifically for their own blending dreams, taking 80% blanco and mixing it with 20% stone-ground ancestral reposado tequila. The result is worth noticing - an affordable bottle that drinks just as “smooth” as any tequila from people whose names rhyme with “Lorge Blooney”.
Enter your email address to get $15 off each time you accumulate 500 points* on myrtlewines.com
*Wine counts for 2 points per dollar spent and spirits count for 1 point per dollar spent.